Clone of Latest News
Read the latest and previous news items from SCRI.
- 1st Post-EURASNET Symposium
- Max F. Perutz International PhD Program - Vienna 2011
- Science Communication Award for trio HUGO
- The last EURASNET newsletter
- New paper from Professor Baralle's lab
- New paper from Professor Baralle's lab
- New paper from Angela Krämer lab
- Special Issue of Journal of Nucleic Acids on Alternative Splicing and Cancer
- From genome to phenotype - International PhD Program in Poznan, Poland
- Genomics of health and diseases workshop
- Job vacancy at MRC Human Genetics Unit Edinburgh, Scotland
- Nature paper involving EURASNET groups
- New papers from Professor Baralle's lab
- A postdoctoral position at the Medical School of Rouen, France
- EURASNET brochure in two language versions
- IFM on "Splicing Regulation: from molecules to organisms", Berlin, 20-21 September 2010
- PhD Programme RNA-Biology, Vienna
- New papers from Professor Baralle's lab
- Transcription: Call for Papers
- EURASNET Workshop on structural bioinformatics of RNAs&RNPs, August 18-21 2010
- IFM "Frontiers in Structural Biology of RNAs and RNPs", August 16-18, 2010, Poznan, Poland
- Fourth EURASNET newsletter
- 7th Special Interest Group meeting on Alternative Splicing (AS-SIG), July 9-10, 2010 in Boston, MA (US).
- Special Issue of RNA Biology Journal on Alternative Splicing and Disease
- Angus Lamond elected Fellow of the Royal Society!
- New papers from Professor Baralle's lab
- Jamal Tazi receives the Prize of French influence!
- New papers from Professor Baralle's lab
- Permanent position at Nancy University France, AREM Laboratory
- EURASNET RNA Therapeutics Workshop
- Third EURASNET newsletter
- Swiss RNA Workshop, Jan 15, 2010
- EURASNET Annual Reporting Meeting 2010, Lisboa
- New papers from Professor Baralle's lab
- Open call for the International PhD Programme at the Max F. Perutz Laboratories at the Campus Vienna Biocenter, Austria.
- New papers from Professor Baralle's lab
- The impact of pre-mRNA splicing defects on clinical practice
- EURASNET in EMBO Encounters
- Second EURASNET newsletter!
- Announcing a new journal: Nucleus
- International PhD Program in Cellular and Molecular Biology in Milan, Italy
- New paper from Alberto Kornblihtt's group and a press article
- Cell paper from Alberto Kornblihtt's group
- New paper from Karla Neugebauer's lab
- More new papers from Professor Barralle's group
- New papers from Professor Baralle's lab
- New paper from Alberto Kornblihtt's group
- RNA Society president 2009
- A new Web Focus on splicing at Nature Structural and Molecular Biology
- EURASNET poster
- New papers from Professor Baralle's lab
- EURASNET newsletter
- The saga of exon skipping : interviews
- New papers from Daniel Schumperli group
- Sharing Science Movie
- The New RNA WikiProject
- An article about Eurasnet and Chris Smith's work in Affymetrix Microarray Bulletin
- Phosphorylated TDP-43 in frontotemporal lobar degeneration and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis
- Assistant Professors, the Department of Biology at the University of Kentucky, USA
- UniSR-Open University PhD programme in Cellular and Molecular Biology
- A triple antisense RNA approach to inhibit HIV-1 multiplication
- New paper in JCB gets the cover!
- Read three best press releases of the Media Writing Contest!
- Alternative splicing and disease
- Post-doctoral position in mammalian pre-mRNA splicing
- First International EURASNET Conference on Alternative Splicing
- New paper in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA
- Doctoral Programme in RNA Biology
The 1st Post-EURASNET Symposium on “Regulation of Gene Expression through RNA Splicing” will be held in Trieste, Italy from 24-27 March 2012.
(Published: 04 Jan 2012)
(Published: 16 Mar 2011)
We are thrilled to announce that a musical trio HUGO, with Daniel Schümperli playing clarinet, was awarded Science Communication Award of the Swiss Society for Cell Biology Molecular Biology a
(Published: 15 Feb 2011)
We are happy to announce that the fifth (and last!) EURASNET newsletter is out featuring news from the network over the last six months.
(Published: 14 Feb 2011)
Zampieri, S., Buratti, E., Dominissini, S., Montalvo, A.L., Pittis, M.G., Bembi, B., Dardis, A.
(Published: 17 Jan 2011)
Ayala, Y.M., De Conti, L., Avendaño-Vázquez, S.E., Dhir, A., Romano, M., D’Ambrogio, A., Tollervey, J., Ule, J., Baralle, M., Buratti, E., Baralle, F.E.
(Published: 16 Dec 2010)
A new paper from Angela Krämer has just been published online (free access):
(Published: 16 Nov 2010)
The main focus of this special issue will be on the
(Published: 16 Nov 2010)
(Published: 03 Nov 2010)
An International Workshop on Genomics of Health and Diseases will be held at Natal, Brazil from 12-15 March 2011.
Topcis at the workshop include:
(Published: 01 Nov 2010)
MRC Human Genetics Unit in Edinburgh, Scotland, are seeking to recruit a group leader in the area of RNA biology, for their first independent appointment, or early in their independent careers, to
(Published: 27 Oct 2010)
A paper on alternative splicing and circadian rhythms in a model plant (Arabidopsis thaliana) and in a fruit fly (Drosophila melanogaster) was published in Nature online on the 21 October 2010.
(Published: 26 Oct 2010)
Valacca, C., Bonomi, S., Buratti, E., Pedrotti, S., Baralle, F.E., Sette, C., Ghigna, C., Biamonti, G.
(Published: 12 Oct 2010)
A postdoctoral opportunity is available at the Medical School, University of Rouen, France, to study the molecular mechanisms underlying splicing alterations associated with Spinal Muscular Atrophy
(Published: 29 Sep 2010)
A fantastic brochure suitable for all audiences, giving an overview of the EURASNET and presenting an extensive information on alternative splicing.
(Published: 17 Sep 2010)
Meeting Location: Berlin, Germany
Meeting date: 20-21 September 2010
(Published: 06 Sep 2010)
(Published: 06 Sep 2010)
Please, have a look at the new papers being in press from Professor Baralle's group:
(Published: 06 Sep 2010)
As the Editor-in-Chief of Transcription, I would like to invite you to submit your manuscripts to this important new journal launched this month and published by Landes Bioscience.
(Published: 03 Aug 2010)
The Workshop will encompass the EURASNET Interdisciplinary Focus Meeting "Frontiers of Structural Biology of RNAs and RNPs" and will take place on 18-21 August 2010 in Poznan, Poland.
(Published: 03 Aug 2010)
Meeting location: Collegium Biologicum of the Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznan, Poland
Meeting date: August 16-18, 2010
(Published: 03 Aug 2010)
We are happy to announce that the fourth EURASNET newsletter is out featuring news from the network over the last six months.
(Published: 02 Aug 2010)
The AS-SIG2010 meeting is scheduled immediately before the ISMB2010 conference and will take place at the same location.
This year's topic is
(Published: 17 Jun 2010)
Andrea Barta and Daniel Schümperli have served as Guest Editors for a Special Issue of RNA Biology on Alternat
(Published: 14 Jun 2010)
Congratulations to Angus Lamond who has been elected Fellow of the Royal Society, the world's oldest scientific academy in continuous existence.
(Published: 21 May 2010)
A new paper from Profesor Baralle's lab has been recently published in The FEBS Journal.
(Published: 06 May 2010)
Congratulations to Jamal Tazi on winning the prestigous Prize of French influence from the Association Réalités et Relations Internationales (ARRI).
(Published: 12 Apr 2010)
Please, have a look at the 3 new papers from Professor Baralle's lab:
(Published: 01 Feb 2010)
(Published: 01 Feb 2010)
Nancy University France, AREM Laboratory
(Published: 01 Feb 2010)
Meeting Location:
Lisboa, Portugal
Meeting date:
4-5 March 2010
(Published: 11 Jan 2010)
EURASNET publishes a newsletter to highlight the work of the network.
(Published: 11 Jan 2010)
The Swiss RNA Workshop will take place on Friday, January 15, 2010, in Bern.
(Published: 20 Nov 2009)
Meeting Location:
Lisboa, Portugal
Meeting date:
March 1-4, 2010
EURASNET Annual Reporting Meeting 2010
(Published: 17 Nov 2009)
Buratti, E., Baralle, F.E. The molecular links between TDP-43 dysfunction and neurodegeneration. 2009. Adv. Genet. 66, 1-34. (doi: 10.1016/S0065-2660(09)66001-6)
(Published: 05 Nov 2009)
(Published: 02 Oct 2009)
Borroni, B., Bonvicini, C., Alberici, A., Buratti, E., Agosti, C., Archetti, S., Papetti, A., Stuani, C., Di Luca, M., Gennarelli, M., Padovani, A.
(Published: 27 Aug 2009)
Diana Baralle writes about the impact of pre-mRNA splicing defects on clinical practice in an extensive review entitled Missed threads, p
(Published: 04 Aug 2009)
The report from The Fourth Annual Eurasnet Meeting in Assisi has been published in the summer edition of the EMBO Encounters.
(Published: 01 Aug 2009)
EURASNET publishes a newsletter to highlight the work of the network.
(Published: 01 Aug 2009)
In January 2010 Nucleus, the first international peer-reviewed journal of its kind focusing on the molecular organization and functions of the cell nucleus will be launched.
(Published: 01 Aug 2009)
International Ph.D. Program/Dottorato di Ricerca in Cellular and Molecular Biology
(Published: 01 Aug 2009)
Congratulations to Alberto Kornblihtt and his group on the publication of their newest paper:
(Published: 01 Jul 2009)
Congratulations to Alberto Kornblihtt's group! Their paper has been published in the last issue of Cell:
(Published: 20 May 2009)
Congratulations to Karla Neugebauer and her group on the publication of their new paper in the Molecular Cell:
(Published: 15 May 2009)
(Published: 13 May 2009)
(Published: 20 Mar 2009)
Congratulations to Alberto Kornblihtt's group.
Their new paper has been recently published on-line in PNAS:
(Published: 04 Mar 2009)
Professor Reinhard Lührmann, co-ordinator of EURASNET, has been appointed president of the RNA Society for 2009.
(Published: 06 Feb 2009)
A new web focus at Nature Structural and Molecular Biology hig
(Published: 30 Jan 2009)
You can see a new poster advertising EURASNET here
(Published: 12 Dec 2008)
Marcucci, R., Romano, M., Feiguin, F., O'Connell, M., Baralle, F.E. Dissecting the splicing mechanism of the Drosophila editing enzyme; dADAR. 2009. Nucleic Acids Res. (in press)
(Published: 01 Dec 2008)
EURASNET publishes a newsletter to highlight the work of the network.
(Published: 27 Nov 2008)
The saga of exon skipping : interviews
Pioneers of exon skipping convened at the Congress Myology 2008 organised by the French Association for the Fight against Myopathies (AFM).
(Published: 20 Nov 2008)
Two new papers from Daniel Schumperli lab have been recently published:
(Published: 20 Nov 2008)
To celebrate the first year of its status, the Wellcome Trust Centre for Gene Regulation and Expression in Dundee headed by Professor Angus Lamond hosted a mini-Symposium and a pre
(Published: 28 Oct 2008)
A new RNA WikiProject, containing over 600 new Wikipedia articles describing families of noncoding RNAs based on the Rfam database has been formed.
(Published: 28 Oct 2008)
Read an interview with Chris Smith on his work and EURASNET in Affymetrix Microarray Bulletin (PDF file).
(Published: 18 Sep 2008)
Hasegawa, M., Arai, T., Nonaka, T., Kametani, F., Yoshida, M., Hashizume, Y., Beach, T.G., Buratti, E., Baralle, F., Morita, M., Nakano, I., Oda, T., Tsuchiya, K., Akiyama, H. 2008.
(Published: 05 Sep 2008)
As part of a bold move to expand research and education, the Department of Biology at the University of Kentucky is increasing the size of its faculty and graduate programs, particularly
(Published: 29 Aug 2008)
The San Raffaele University in Milan, Italy is now recruiting PhD students.
(Published: 31 Jul 2008)
The latest paper from Daniel Shuemperli lab on HIV-1 inhibition was published online in J Gene Med. The paper and PDF versions should come out next month.
(Published: 24 Jul 2008)
Ellis,J.D., Lleres,D., Denegri,M., Lamond,A.I. and Cáceres,J.F. (2008) Spatial mapping of splicing factor complexes involved in exon and intron definition. J.Cell. Biol. Vol. 181, No.
(Published: 18 Jul 2008)
The Media Workshop - Public Understanding of Science (PUS) was organised during the first International EURASNET Meeting in Krakow.
(Published: 19 Jun 2008)
(Published: 02 May 2008)
Department of Cell Biology, Faculty of Sciences, University of Geneva, Switzerland
(Published: 28 Apr 2008)
EURASNET, the EU-funded Network of Excellence on Alternative Splicing, hosted a conference on the mechanisms, physiological importance and disease-associations of alternative splicing in Krakow.
(Published: 25 Apr 2008)
Sanchez G, Bittencourt D, Laud K, Barbier J, Delattre O, Auboeuf D, Dutertre M.
(Published: 24 Apr 2008)
Doctoral Programme in RNA Biology
(Published: 24 Mar 2008)
EURASNET is an EU-funded Network of Excellence to investigate and understand the principles of alternative splicing and how it affects human health.