1st Post-EURASNET Symposium

The 1st Post-EURASNET Symposium on “Regulation of Gene Expression through RNA Splicing” will be held in Trieste, Italy from 24-27 March 2012.

Two Postdoctoral positions

Gene Expression and Muscular Dystrophy lab, Division of Regenerative Medicine, San Raffaele Scientific Institute, Milano, Italy

Postdoctoral position

Starting date: January 2012

Science Communication Award for trio HUGO

We are thrilled to announce that a musical trio HUGO, with Daniel Schümperli playing clarinet, was awarded Science Communication Award of the Swiss Society for Cell Biology Molecular Biology a

The last EURASNET newsletter

We are happy to announce that the fifth (and last!) EURASNET newsletter is out featuring news from the network over the last six months.

New paper from Professor Baralle's lab

Zampieri, S., Buratti, E., Dominissini, S., Montalvo, A.L., Pittis, M.G., Bembi, B., Dardis, A.

New paper from Professor Baralle's lab

Ayala, Y.M., De Conti, L., Avendaño-Vázquez, S.E., Dhir, A., Romano, M., D’Ambrogio, A., Tollervey, J., Ule, J., Baralle, M., Buratti, E., Baralle, F.E.

New paper from Angela Krämer lab

A new paper from Angela Krämer has just been published online (free access):

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