Announcing a new journal: Nucleus

In January 2010 Nucleus, the first international peer-reviewed journal of its kind focusing on the molecular organization and functions of the cell nucleus will be launched.

International PhD Program in Cellular and Molecular Biology in Milan, Italy

International Ph.D. Program/Dottorato di Ricerca in Cellular and Molecular Biology

New paper from Alberto Kornblihtt's group and a press article

Congratulations to Alberto Kornblihtt and his group on the publication of their newest paper:

Cell paper from Alberto Kornblihtt's group

Congratulations to Alberto Kornblihtt's group! Their paper has been published in the last issue of Cell:

New paper from Karla Neugebauer's lab

Congratulations to Karla Neugebauer and her group on the publication of their new paper in the Molecular Cell:

New paper from Alberto Kornblihtt's group

Congratulations to Alberto Kornblihtt's group.
Their new paper has been recently published on-line in PNAS:

RNA Society president 2009

Professor Reinhard Lührmann, co-ordinator of EURASNET, has been appointed president of the RNA Society for 2009.


You can see a new poster advertising EURASNET here

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