Third EURASNET newsletter
EURASNET publishes a newsletter to highlight the work of the network.
The impact of pre-mRNA splicing defects on clinical practice
Diana Baralle writes about the impact of pre-mRNA splicing defects on clinical practice in an extensive review entitled Missed threads, published in the EMBO reports 10, 8, 810–816 (2009).
Second EURASNET newsletter!
EURASNET publishes a newsletter to highlight the work of the network.
Media workshop report
The First International EURASNET Conference on Alternative Splicing (21st - 23rd May 2008 in Krakow, Poland) featured a Media Workshop as well as Media Writing Contest.
Interdisciplinary Focus Meeting on Biophysical (RNA) Methods
Interdisciplinary Focus Meeting on Biophysical Methods Applied to RNA
EURASNET Workshop 4-5 December 2008
University of Aarhus
Organisation Team
To co-ordinate and oversee the activities of EURASNET and to monitor progress, a management structure has been put in place.