UniSR-Open University PhD programme in Cellular and Molecular Biology
The San Raffaele University in Milan, Italy is now recruiting PhD students.
Media workshop report
The First International EURASNET Conference on Alternative Splicing (21st - 23rd May 2008 in Krakow, Poland) featured a Media Workshop as well as Media Writing Contest.
A triple antisense RNA approach to inhibit HIV-1 multiplication
The latest paper from Daniel Shuemperli lab on HIV-1 inhibition was published online in J Gene Med. The paper and PDF versions should come out next month.
New paper in JCB gets the cover!
Ellis,J.D., Lleres,D., Denegri,M., Lamond,A.I. and Cáceres,J.F. (2008) Spatial mapping of splicing factor complexes involved in exon and intron definition. J.Cell. Biol. Vol. 181, No.
Read three best press releases of the Media Writing Contest!
The Media Workshop - Public Understanding of Science (PUS) was organised during the first International EURASNET Meeting in Krakow.
Cystic Fibrosis
Mutations in the gene coding for the cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR) protein have been described to lead to dysfunction of several organs such as lung, sweat glands, geni
Eurasnet Publications
Details of publications by EURASNET members and their labs can be found on the relevant year pages.