Workshop on Alternative Splicing and Disease
The workshop offers a one-week in depth practical and theoretical introduction into alternative splicing related to human disease.
RNA-protein Interactions in Development and Cancer Meeting
The objective of this workshop will be to discuss the roles of RNA-binding proteins and non-coding RNAs in shaping developmental processes and contributing to tumorigenesis.
Inter Disciplinary Focus Meeting 'Mouse models for alternative splicing'
The goal of the IFM 'Mouse models for alternative splicing' will be to review the state-of-the-art in the generation of mouse models for addressing biological problems and provide examples of how t
Inter Disciplinary Focus Meeting "Deciphering the splicing code: the role of protein-RNA interactions"
Organisers: Eduardo Eyras (EURASNET member), Dirk Holste, Fred Allain (EURASNET member), Graziano Pesole, Rickard Sandberg
Fourth Annual Eurasnet Meeting, April 23-24 2009, Assisi, Italy
Organisers: Giuseppe Biamonti, IGM-CNR Pavia, Italy
Ian Eperon, Department of Biochemistry, Leicester, UK
3rd EURASNET IFM on "Alternative and Aberrant Splicing in Neuromuscular and Neurodegenerative Processes"
The 3rd Interdisciplinary Focus Meeting on Mis-splicing and disease entitled "Alternative and Aberrant Splicing in Neuromuscular and Neurodegenerative processes" is going to be organised
Interdisciplinary Focus Meeting on Biophysical (RNA) Methods
Interdisciplinary Focus Meeting on Biophysical Methods Applied to RNA
EURASNET Workshop 4-5 December 2008
University of Aarhus
High-throughput technologies for the analysis of alternative splicing
Supported by Splired (Spanish network on transcriptomics) and EURASNET.
IFM meeting on microscopy
This meeting was held concurrently to the imaging meeting of the French Society of Cellular Biology.
First International EURASNET Conference on Alternative Splicing
EURASNET, the EU-funded Network of Excellence on Alternative Splicing, hosted a conference on the mechanisms, physiological importance and disease-associations of alternative splicing in Krakow.