Genomics of health and diseases workshop
An International Workshop on Genomics of Health and Diseases will be held at Natal, Brazil from 12-15 March 2011.
Topcis at the workshop include:
Job vacancy at MRC Human Genetics Unit Edinburgh, Scotland
MRC Human Genetics Unit in Edinburgh, Scotland, are seeking to recruit a group leader in the area of RNA biology, for their first independent appointment, or early in their independent careers, to
Nature paper involving EURASNET groups
A paper on alternative splicing and circadian rhythms in a model plant (Arabidopsis thaliana) and in a fruit fly (Drosophila melanogaster) was published in Nature online on the 21 October 2010.
New papers from Professor Baralle's lab
Valacca, C., Bonomi, S., Buratti, E., Pedrotti, S., Baralle, F.E., Sette, C., Ghigna, C., Biamonti, G.
A postdoctoral position at the Medical School of Rouen, France
A postdoctoral opportunity is available at the Medical School, University of Rouen, France, to study the molecular mechanisms underlying splicing alterations associated with Spinal Muscular Atrophy
EURASNET brochure in two language versions
A fantastic brochure suitable for all audiences, giving an overview of the EURASNET and presenting an extensive information on alternative splicing.
IFM on "Splicing Regulation: from molecules to organisms", Berlin, 20-21 September 2010
Meeting Location: Berlin, Germany
Meeting date: 20-21 September 2010
New papers from Professor Baralle's lab
Please, have a look at the new papers being in press from Professor Baralle's group:
Transcription: Call for Papers
As the Editor-in-Chief of Transcription, I would like to invite you to submit your manuscripts to this important new journal launched this month and published by Landes Bioscience.