Sharing Science Movie
To celebrate the first year of its status, the Wellcome Trust Centre for Gene Regulation and Expression in Dundee headed by Professor Angus Lamond hosted a mini-Symposium and a pre
The New RNA WikiProject
A new RNA WikiProject, containing over 600 new Wikipedia articles describing families of noncoding RNAs based on the Rfam database has been formed.
Interdisciplinary Focus Meeting on Biophysical (RNA) Methods
Interdisciplinary Focus Meeting on Biophysical Methods Applied to RNA
EURASNET Workshop 4-5 December 2008
University of Aarhus
High-throughput technologies for the analysis of alternative splicing
Supported by Splired (Spanish network on transcriptomics) and EURASNET.
Post-doctoral position at The University of Kentucky
Post doctoral position available
To study the role of snoRNAs in pre-mRNA processing.
EURASNET hosts a number of different meetings throughout the year and you can find details of forthcoming meetings be
An article about Eurasnet and Chris Smith's work in Affymetrix Microarray Bulletin
Read an interview with Chris Smith on his work and EURASNET in Affymetrix Microarray Bulletin (PDF file).