EURASNET Workshop on structural bioinformatics of RNAs&RNPs, August 18-21 2010

The Workshop will encompass the EURASNET Interdisciplinary Focus Meeting "Frontiers of Structural Biology of RNAs and RNPs" and will take place on 18-21 August 2010 in Poznan, Poland.

There has been in the recent years a considerable development both in the methods of studying RNA and RNP structures, and in the knowledge about these structures itself. Methods such as SAXS, NMR, time-resolved CryoEM, mass spectrometry or CRAC/CLIP have revealed a wealth of information about RNA and RNP secondary and tertiary structures and interactions within the RNP complexes, in both their static and dynamic aspects - and bioinformatics uses this data to construct predictions about structures which have not been experimentally studied. Other bioinformatics tools serve to manipulate the resultant models, adjusting the structures and even making it possible to reassemble the RNP complexes in silico. Finally, there is a wealth Web resources available for use - for those aware of their existence and location.

This EURASNET Structural Bioinformatics Workshop, comprising both lectures and hands-on tutorials, will teach the participants the practical aspects of modelling of protein and nucleic acid structures, as well as protein-protein and protein-nucleic acid docking.

We regret to say that because places are limited, registration for the workshop is initially limited to students and postdocs from EURASNET laboratories only. If slots on the workshop are available after May 1st, registration will be open to the public.

Note: EURASNET applicants are required to pay the registration fee - we encourage you to seek reimbursement from EURASNET via travel bursaries.

Registration is now available through the workshop website.