IFM on "Splicing Regulation: from molecules to organisms", Berlin, 20-21 September 2010

Meeting Location: Berlin, Germany

Meeting date: 20-21 September 2010

Organisers: Javier Caceres and Karla Neugebauer

The aim of the meeting is to integrate continuing discoveries of splicing mechanisms with emerging principles of how splicing occurs and is regulated in living systems. Insights from biochemistry, advanced fluorescence live-cell microscopy, model organisms, and human disease will be presented and discussed in a retreat-like atmosphere in the heart of Berlin's artistic neighborhood, Prenzlauerberg.

Please note, participation is limited to 30.

The sessions begin at 9:00 on 20 September and finish after dinner on 21 September. Therefore, arrival is expected on 19 September and departure on 22 September. Accommodation at the GLS Language School on Kastanienallee has already been booked for all participants accordingly.

Registration and Abstract submission by email.
Deadline July 30, 2010.

Please, have a look at the preliminary programme and a Meeting Poster.